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Avatar: The Legend Of Aang *Manual + Covers + Autorun*

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│ Avatar: The Legend Of Aang *Manual + Covers + Autorun* │
Date.........: 2010-03-04 Files........: 02 x 5.00
Company......: Focus Multimedia Language.....: English
Requirements.: Avatar.The.Last.AirBender-RECHARGED

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│ ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes │
NOTE: 'Avatar: The Legend Of Aang' is the same game as 'Avatar: The Last
AirBender'. The only difference is that the Autorun has different
images and a manual is included on the CD. We have included the new
files in the CD folder inside the rars.

Covers scanned at 1200 DPI, then downsampled to 300 DPI (90% quality jpg)
- DVD Box: Inside + Outside
- Disc
- Manual (from CD)
- Autorun (from CD)

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.

Journey through 6 exotic locations filled with adventure to help Aang
fulfil his destiny to master the bending arts and become the Avatar û for
only the Avatar can stop the ruthless might of the Fire Nation! Defeat
hordes of bizarre enemies and perform noble deeds on your quest to save
the world.

Are you ready to face your destiny?

- Awesome kung-fu style combat
- Interact with environments and characters from the TV show PLUS never
before seen enemies and creatures!
- Epic adventuring
- Journey through all the Great Nations of the Avatar world - Earth, Water,
Fire and Air.


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│ ::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes │
1. UnRAR

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│ ::::::\_____/::' Group News │
We bring you games that other groups do not do. We are different, like us
or hate us. You think some games that we release are crap? We do not care
because we think that scene means that every game should be released.

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│ ::::::\_____/::' Greetings │

│ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! │


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